Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How to Save Time in the Mornings Before Work

Working Mommie Tip #1
5 Ways to Save Time in the Mornings

If you live in an environment anything like my home, your mornings could potentially be one of the most stressful parts of your day! Luckily I have learned a great routine that works for me and hopefully it can work for someone else who may be struggling in the morning. For starters, there are many people (and pets) who need attention every morning in my home. I am a morning person so its not too hard for me to wake up but it can still be a challenge to get everyone else up and at em! I have listed below 5 simple things you can do to change the mood of your mornings before work.

1.       Take out everyone’s clothes for the week on Sunday.
a.       Since it is 2013, im sure we all have a phone with a weather app, and if not then just watch the news. You could easily check the weather for the next 5-6 days and choose outfits for everyone so that in the morning, all you have to do is grab it and go. 

2.       Make lunches, bottles, and do breakfast prep the night before
a.       Since I have a 6 month old and a 2 year old I am preparing two different types of meals. I prepare the bottles for the day for my 6 month old, including the breakfast bottle, the night before and I pour the sippy cup of milk and put the waffles in the fridge for my two year old. My husband and I will cook omelet muffins or something easy a few days before and when we are sick of that we just grab a bowl of good ol cereal!

3.       Have your tools in place and ready for use!
a.       I know this sounds very obsessive, but it really does help. Each night before bed, I make sure that my lotions, tooth paste, hair junk, etc is all in place and ready to be used, that way im not searching for my stuff in the morning when I need it.

4.       Wake up earlier than everyone else.
a.       I always need a little time to myself to make sure that I am ready to take on the world so getting up an extra 15-20 minutes before everyone else is enough time for me to get it together before the rest of the fam. Well I guess im not totally alone since my dog gets up with me J

5.       Put ALL mobile devises on a time limit!
a.       I don’t know about you, but I could sit and check my email, facebook, and youtube and blogs all day long if I could. So each morning I literally only take about 5 minutes to look over any new emails and stuff before I put it away and continue my mission.

Not saying that these steps will totally fix everyone’s situation, but after getting into the routine of following these steps, I do pretty well. I have been able to get up at 5:21a (I know I am weird I like odd numbers) and take care of myself, a 6 month old, a 2 year old, my dog and slightly help my husband all before we are out the door at 6:35a headed to daycare and work! Anyone else have any time saving ideas? Share!
Good Luck mamas!

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