Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My "Essential Oil" Mixture

Ok everyone, so here goes. . . . I am very big on trying to make sure that I keep my scalp and hair well moisturized. I am a huge fan of plain old water, but I do like to add a mixture of oils to my almost daily to strengthen and grow my hair. There are many mixtures listed online but this is what I use: (don’t mind the odd numbers, I’m just weird like that) ~11 drops of Tea Tree Oil, ~5 Tbs. of Jojoba Oil, ~3 Tbs. of Castor Oil, ~11 drops of Peppermint Oil, ~and 3 Tbs. of Sweet Almond Oil. Each of these oils adds something different and useful to the mixture. They are all important for their own reasons.

Tea Tree Oil: This oil will help to unblock the hair follicles, which eliminates dandruff. Tee Tree oil also helps to moisturize the scalp and hair preventing hair loss and treating cradle cap. This oil is also very effective for hair growth.
Jojoba Oil: Those of you who are extremely bothered by dull and frizzy hair can apply this oil to improve its texture and appearance. It serves both the purposes of hair oil as well as hair conditioner. It moisturizes the scalp, provides protection against dandruff and adds strength to the roots of the hair. Thus, it can control hair fall to a great extent.
Castor Oil: Castor oil is an awesome hair oil, but it can be very thick and viscous. Some people may have a bad hair experience with the oil. Still this oil is great for the health of your hair and scalp.
Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil is known to stimulate hair follicles and thus promotes hair growth. Peppermint oil is good for your hair because it works as an effective conditioner and adds shine and gloss to your hair and giving it more bounce. Peppermint oil is fast becoming popular as effective hair care oil because of inherent hair rejuvenating properties. However, it should not be used without diluting as it can affect your hair and scalp adversely.
Almond Oil: This oil helps to nourish hair and smoothes the hair cuticles. Almond oil assists in making the hair long, strong and thick. This oil also adds shine to the hair and the smell is amazing! Almond Oil also helps to protect hair from heat styling.
I hope that this list can be helpful to you. You should alter it as it fits your hair. Enjoy! :-)


  1. Thanks girl, I've used all of these, except the castor oil. Imma have to try it one day. And yes your right natural hair must be kept oiled.

    1. giiiirl! Castor oil is my favorite "Everything" oil. I feel like it has so many uses! but i have always used it on my hair especially when i have a style that may have pulled out or damaged my edges.

  2. It's a challenge for me to keep my hair moisturized. I keep forgetting until I start to itch. lol. I'm going to try your combination. Thanks.

    1. Make sure you let me know how it works. I would love to have someone else to bounce ideas off of :-)

  3. I will try this and see how it works, i really need to keep my hair moisturized.

    1. You may need a little more of some of the oils because your hair is alot thicker than mine. but be sure to alter the mix as you see fit.

  4. Last year I dyed my hair and due to infrequent moisture it broke clumps. Luckily I'm not attached to my hair but I gotta admit I felt somethin seeing it clumped in my brush. So I just got it cut short and started over. I did shave the sides and back and I keep it cut low to allow the front and top to grow longer. Anyway...I started using a mix of shea butter, coconut oil, essential peppermint, lavender, and rosemary, and some liquid biotin and my hair is not only growing but it's growing in stronger. I stay away from commercial products and make my own because I know exactly what's going into it. Even when these products claim to be natural they still have colorants and preservatives. Love the blog btw!

    1. Thanks for your comment Kenya! Please follow me and share with your friends. I agree with you. I have some commercial products that i enjoy using but i really like to make my own because that way I will know all of the ingredients included. I actually have a blog entry that I need to post with some recipes. . . .stay tuned!
